Kaohsiung possesses a central position in East Asia. It is Taiwan’s only city with both an international airport and an international seaport, making access to major cities in Asia, including Shanghai. Singapore, Hong Kong. Tokyo, and Manila, extremely convenient. Kaohsiung Interna- tional Airport has approximately 630 domestic and international flights connecting with 33 major cities in Asia each week. Taiwan Taoyuan Internationa l Airport and Taipei City can be reached by high-speed rail within 1.5 hours, facilitating international transit and cargo transportation. The Port of Kaohsiung is Taiwan’s largest commercial port and the 14th largest In container port in the world. Annual cargo throughput is nearly 10 million TEU . In October 2013, Kaohsiung joined the london Metal Exchange ( lME) , becoming the 37th lME delivery port in the world. With upstream, midstream, and downstream businesses integrating hardware, barges, and logistics, Kaohsiung’s metal industry is responsible for more than 80% of Taiwan’s total output value. With the Intercontinenta l Container Termina l Project, the Port of Kaohsiung is expanding its territory and adding deepwater wharfs to serve giant freig hters with more than 100,000 tons of calPacity. The Kaohsiung Port Terminal and Cruise Service Center will provide rapid and convenient travel services and permit the berthing of major international cruise vessels, making the harbor a new focal point for sightseeing. In the Port’s development blueprint, north to south is divided into Three zones: the port logistics zone (the 2nd to 5th container centers); the port industry development zone (the factory site area of Taiwan Power Company, CPC Corpora tion, China Steel Corporation, China Shipbuilding Corporation ) ; the sustainan able development zone (98 hectares within Nansing planning zone, the 6th container center) . Through reclaiming the new land on the coast of the Port of Kaohsiung, the Port is continuing to expand the number of deep water termina ls to accommodate giant cargo ships that are more than 100,000 tons to berth cargo and effectively solve the shortage of container terminals at the Port. The Port continues to maximize its advantageous location effectively to create favorable opportunities.
Taiwan’s yacht manufacturing industry ranks sixth in the world by export value. Taiwan is Asia’s number one yacht manufacturing country. Taiwan’s yacht industry possesses advantages in its exceptional production technology and its upstream and downstream industry cl usters. The demand for yachts in America and Europe cooled down after the financia l crisis . However, with the rise of the Asian consumer yacht market. the yacht manufacturing industry is gradually recovering . More than 90% of Taiwan’s yachts are exported via Kaohsiung. More than half of Taiwan’s yacht manufacturers are located in Kaohsiung. The output value of Kaohsiung’s yachts constitutes 80% of the entire country’s output value. Kaohsiung is the number one yacht city in Taiwan. Kaohsiung has excellent weather conditions. It possesses locational advantages with dual sea-air ports. These factors are favorable to yacht manufacturing, testing, and export transport. Kaohsiung has advantageous steel and metal processing industries that can meet the demands of the yacht manufacturing industry, making the city Asia’s number one production center for luxury yachts. It is the top city for international manufacturers in the yacht industry to invest in the Asian market. Kaohsiun9 is dedicated to developin9 its yacht manufacturing and service industries. In 2012, Kaohsiung participated in the Miami International Boat Show and established a theme pavilion for Taiwan. In May 2014, the only indoor international boat show in Asia, the 2014 Taiwan International Boat Show, was held at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. The yacht industry joined together with the exhibition industry to attract 168 exhibitors and buyers from all over the world. In its efforts to develop a complete industrial chain of production, exhibition. and sales for the yacht manufacturing industry, Kaohsiung has launched the Southern Star Yacht Industrial Park for investment from yacht manufacturers, the metal manufacturing industry, and import and export traders. The pa rk includes a 12.95-ha yacht manufacturing zone, in which large factories can be constructed to satisfy the space requirements of yacht manufacturing, and a 9.05-ha water test zone, which contains harbor piers, wharfs for trial runs, and complete launching facilities. In addition, road and rail links with factories in the surrounding areas have been established to allow yachts to be launched and tested without any obstructions. Finally, the park also contains a manufactu ring area for related industries, to which metal manufacturers wi ll be introduced to form an industry cluster. Southern Star Yacht Industrial Park will integrate upstream, midstream, and downstream manufacturers in the yacht industry. It will also drive the development of the hardware, woodworking, and industrial design industries, exerting the cl uster effects of the yacht industry. By establishing an international brand for Taiwanese yachts. Kaohsiung will develop into “the Miami of the East” as the number one yacht manufacturing center in Asia.